The factory headers have been fit and the steering is all in. I have been playing with all the dimensions to get every thing to fit. I Had to build upper and lower steering mounts and moved the opening in the floor. Oddly when its all done the column fits great and it's hard to tell its not in the stock location.
I bought the Vintage Air kit for the e-body. As with most things on this car, the a/c box does not fit in the location they intended. ( It hits the tunnel) After a little brain storming I came up with a solution that solves several dilemmas. The box needs to be as high as possible, needs to miss the tunnel, and I don't like the lines poking in to the engine bay ( ugly). So if you move the box to the right four inches it misses the tunnel and the tubes move over in to the fender pocket. Hooray for a wide car! The contour of the firewall is such that you can move the box up half an inch as well. Then if you take the control box off the top you can gain another three quarters of an inch. Thats an inch and a half more foot room.
The only snag is getting the heater hoses back out in the right spot. I ordered a tubing bender for 5/8" tube and will try to make hard lines that put the hose inlets in behind the intake manifold so you can't see them. That would be sweet, no visible hoses a/c or heat.
I have played with several different engine compartment braces. but this is the final design. An adjustable strut brace. I can't fit a cross bar in front of the motor but the diagonal braces came out nice. I went back and forth on welding in the AlterKation cross member but as if you couldn't guess by now I can't leave well enough alone Not only did I weld it in I added braces to the XV radiator support making the front VERY rigid! I also added some plates to smooth off the sides of the cross member. Oh and I added a skid plate under the steering rack. The rack mounts hang lower then the cross member! No good.
I also started to fill all the unneeded holes in the firewall and fitting all the little brackets and pieces so they all have a place to go after painting. Soon hopefully I can start sealing things up.