I have spent some time pondering the rarity of certain color combos, as I am sure most of you all have.
There are rare color combos, and there are popular color combos.
Lets take the popular in the era context: in 1970 it was popular to order the Sublime ext w/Blk int, black roof, bumble bee stripe, or the Hemi orange, blk int/black roof/black stripe. -remember this is just an example.
In 70 and 71, the most popular colors were the high imact colors. T
he "freaks" you could argue were the plain janes, or standard colors that you and I know so well today.
Silver. White. Black.
The tawny gold, tan, sunflower, puke green, etc were also polular in the period, but somehow, the colors did not preserve their "value".
Now we approach the topic of rarity.
Every once in a while, a highly coveted color combo comes across the auction block-wether it is Ebay or BJ, or RM.
Rare color combos- I am not talking about the tawny exterior w/green interior and white top -(Just plain bad taste)
This is what I am referring to:
The Black 70, with red interior, red dash, red stripe, black roof car. rare because they only made the red interior available in 70.So far as I have seen, there were 2 of these that survived.
The triple black combo - stripe or no stripe seems to be an oddity.I have seen a fair share of true 70 triple black cars, but not 71s. I know of 3 in total. 1 on a magazine, one I saw in FLA, a true 71 triple v1x car, and another that graced the cover of a Mopar magazine.
So that leads me to the next set of oddities.
Anyone ever see a triple brown car, w/gator vinyl roof? Stripe or no stripe, it does not matter.
What about the Silver car with the burnt orange interior, no vinyl roof?
This leads me to my next point, did they make a triple orange car? (no Vinyl roof) w/the orange stripe?
Now, the ultimate question persits.
Is there a triple red car?
We have seen the triple blue, black, white, possibly orange, possibly brown, green.....
You could argue that if you ordered it, you could get it. I have heard of a red on red car, but did they make a triple red car?
Your thoughts?