I don't blame you NZ I don't pick up people either. As for deer, we have plenty down here! I got a nice Challenger R/T because a deer jumped out and ran into the drivers door and almost came in the window, well my friend gave me a good deal on the car and buoght a truck. I can't understand these people against hunting. It's meant to be that way, it's fun and relaxing, and puts meat on the table, and somewhat controls the deer population. They are wanting to take the wolf off the endangered list, one of their BS excuses are that wolves kill too many deer and elk... Wolves don't kill THAT MANY, and they have to eat too, and usually don't kill people's livestock, they like to hunt wild game in the woods, mostly smaller game too. Not many years ago the wolf almost got wiped out, that's why they're on endangered list. I don't think they have multiplyed enough to take them off, especially seeing how people think they're bad. Wolves are where dogs came from! I have a saying from long ago, dogs are good, people are bad.