Yea my hands aren't that small. I guess it's gonna be a P.I.T.A. for sure. Is it easier to reach some of the stuff from the top of the door with the door glass down, or will all of it be accessable with the glass up?
If you take your door panel off and have a look, you will see what needs to be done. If I can do it, anyone can. You have to reach everything from behind. The door latch rod, and the rod for the door lock, reside in plastic clips that you need to slip them out of. I believe the window down let access to them best. A confession here, getting the door handle out isn't the problem. It's putting it back in.
That's when you need small hands, or long skinny fingers. Those rods are a little tough to get back in to their clips.
A long flat blade screwdriver helped me in the past.