Yep, I did that once too. Only I didnt know it was there till 2 AM and I was in the emergency room
I had the SAME thing! My eye was bothering me for a few hours till I finally looked in the mirror at 1AM and found a large black speck in the right eye. Got it out at like 3:30AM. Another time I was making a subwoofer enclosure out of an 1/16" thick steel sheet, I was welding it on the floor and when I reached down for the welder on the floor after putting some more clamps on, I gashed my forearm open on a sharp edge of the box, got 9 stitches at 3AM in the emergency room
Be nice if I had all my mortal woundings at mid-day instead of the middle of the night!
I've been jabbed by wood chisels but never that bad! Bummer man!