I just put an 833 in my barracuda. I dont really know the history on the trans, but I figured I would just put it in for starters to see if it worked as is. It worked well up until this afternoon. I had the car out around the city with some highway driving too and it worked fine. When I got back to my house after my cruise and I went to park it there was terrible grinding when putting it into reverse. Also when getting into first there was grinding but not as bad. Once I got it into reverse or first the car moved fine without any noise or grinding. Also there is grinding and vibrating that can be felt in the clutch pedel at a point of the travel in the pedel when the clutch feels like it is just starting to engage and moving the car. This leads me to belive that it might not be a trans problem, but something else. I'm not sure. Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.