As promised, this will probably be the oddest "What's it Worth" for quite a while. I may not even be able to get a reliable answer, but opinions are welcome too.
I have the original color film (large format 4x5, kodachrome, quantity 3) of the Yellow Jacket concept car. These are not prints, but the reversal (i.e., slide) film that was shot in the studio, and from which prints were made. I got them from Chrysler's PR people a couple of decades back when I was researching an article on the car; I still have the envelope, and the business card of the gentleman who sent them. (His comment, BTW, was, "If you want this sh*t take it now, 'cause we're throwing it out.") I also have some prints of parts of the press package in black and white, but I don't think they ad significant value to the package.
Anybody want to hazard a guess as to what it's worth?