thanks for that nz i have been trying to work out how to do that !!! heres some of my other projects im working on while waitng for the t/a to arrive , cl sports van wil be 318/727 and my girlfriends vc sedan 318/904 straight lp gas , 360 j heads , impco 425 gas carb etc not far away from paint now as i have basically finished all the mechanical stuff , the van will be similar to my avitar but i reckon silver and black to match the challenger i reckon,although im a non drinker yes us aussies love a beer or two...........hundred... its the heat that does it!!!ive got a lot of parts for the t/a already and now the dollar is up its not so bad .cant wait for it to arrive , it should be laeaving in about two weeks , then 6/8 weeks shipping so i im counting down the sleeps!!!oh yeah thats my 62 phoenix sed 440/727 to finish as many projects ... so little time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!