Well, this guy should feel lucky this morning. I gave him 30 hrs pay and he gets a free 700 mile ride this morning to his home town. I got to work around trona ca for 2 weeks and he lives close to there. Then 1 more week around La and I am free to go play with my cuda some more.
What's so stupid about this firing stuff is, all he had to do is pick up the phone and ask questions or get an advance, or ask for private use of the card and take the sum out of his 210 a week food allowance. He gets paid every friday his regular pay, then 210 every week.
I wonder if he has taken any of my personal things I am missing from my truck. I usually keep money in the ashtray for food stops and I was missing about 50 bucks or so in change in the console too. Ah, it can be replaced.
Well gotta check out and head towards Vegas.