1st ....... High school years. Worked at Micky D's followed by Augusta Mall with one week each year working at Masters Tourn.
2nd ...... Worked as a bartender after being asked to leave college for parting to much.
3rd ...... Worked for Hercules/Himont as a lab tech after getting married and starting a family.
4th ...... Worked for Dupont/Dupont Pharma for 17yrs while raising a family and returning to school and earning a degree in Business Admin. Worked 13yrs as chemical lab tech and 4yrs as an accountant. Was resized when Bristol-Myers Squibb purchased Dupont Pharma.
5th ...... Worked for Lowes as a Zone Manager after earning a MBA. Didn't last long.
Now ..... Work as an accounting consultant. Go into companies and clean up their messes. Also this gives me roughly three months off each year. It's great to have a best friend/wife who has a great job at Astra Zeneca.
Future ... Since my assignment ended Friday it gives me time to help move my daughter to San Deigo this coming weekend. She just accepted a job with San Deigo State. She graduated in May with a Masters in Social Work.
Try to close Dad's ATM service.
I have a feeling that this won't happen until my son graduates for Temple U. He also got accepted to do his final semester in Japan.
Become a certified Home Inspector and start my own business. Spend time with my girlfriend/wife if she can slow down. Work on my chally.
If all goes well then I'll be able to do this