That would have been Ben Snobar from sixpackperformance
No, that would not have been, here's why;
Ben Snobar owns Northwest Performance
Gene Gregory (Ben's competition) sells to Six Pack performance who vends Gene's parts
Other than that, the reports I recieved showed that
Niether of them showed up with a complete new reproduction hood to sell or display.
The company who
did have one was AMD (Auto Metal Direct in Georgia) one of the
THREE different vendors who claim to be working on a complete hood. To the best of my knowledge they are the only company so far to produce a prototype at Carlisle.
*Also, for those not in the loop, this is for the bare hood only (not the other parts under the hood which cost roughly $2,500.00 extra). The new prototype hood displayed at Carlisle was the 71 only style with the crush ribs in the sides, if you need a correct 70 version it is not planned by any of them to my knowledge. Also keep in mind that in terms of correctness the word "Exact" gets tossed around
WAY too casually these days when it comes to reproduction parts, before anyone buys into that you need to compare the new hoods to the real thing. While these new reproduction hoods will be nice I'm sure, and conveinient for those who don't want to do any conversion work, don't count on them being "Exact" because they will not be. Using an original flat hood and one of our kits will
STILL get you closer to factory than anything else out there, including these new hoods. 100% gauranteed.