Lets just say i called out sick only to endure 100 degree temps today, so instead of messing with the car, im pealing wall paper out of a closet
Anyway, today was a day for personal sanity after being awake for 30 hrs from Thursday to Friday while working
So, the last time i drove the car, I had a starvation/ advancing issue at 70 mph. Im gonna go grab a 180 thermostat today, and maybe switch my jets around when the esun starts going down. If all of my timing works out and all and i still have issues, im going to disconnect the vacuum advance so i can get this thing out and tear the streets up a while
All this math and i think I'll try at least taking that out of the equation.
It is possible that Neil (Chryco) may be in the area during his travels, I'll turn the wrenches over to him if he is.....