Hello everyone. Well i named this project correctly, Long Term Project. It has been a while since i posted, so i guess i better update. I have not been sleeping
, however it has taken me a bit to get things going. I got the neice married off one week and then the following week i had to take my oldest daughter to college(she is just starting).
So things have been a bit crazy, and we spent a week in the St. Louis area.
But after countless hours( and i mean countless) of hand sanding and cleaning the shell i was able to get it covered this past week.
The sanding really was awfull, or maybe i am just picky. But i spent 2 solid weeks after work sanding every nook and cranny of that car. I will never complain about how much a restoration shop is charging for body prep.
And just when you think you have it done, you find something else that needs attention. The degreasing was a blast too
Try scrubbing tar and other things off your car for a few days. But finally i finished without cutting corners. I was just too dang afraid that if i did miss something, it would come back and haunt me later. So here are a few of my cleaning and sanding pics as i prepped it for primer.