moderators primary duties will be board clean up. what usually happens is a technical or off topic question gets posted in the main forum. i understand that the main forum gets more hits then any others, so for the sake of exposure to a certain topic, i allow liberal posting in the main forum. but after a week or two i like to move tech and off topic posts to their appropriate sections to keep a clean and consise board. thats the meat of the job. further abilities that they have is too lock threads or edit other members postings. this board, given how small, yet active amongst the core members, has not had problems such that require these drastic moves. i only recall locking one thread, and it was predominantly due to a new member. so mainly just general housekeeping.
to reiterate, the nominees should have a few hundred posts and should frequent the board on a regular basis. this includes all boards, not just the main forum. i think the moderators should own ebods, as that promotes a certain stability in their board attendence.
ive decided on the following voter format. i want to allow each person to vote twice, which rules out the forums built in poll capabilities, as that permits only one vote per user. I would also like to prevent complete newbies (say at least 30 posts) from voting, as they have no experience with the candidates, so the poll doesnt work for our needs. what we'll do, is in a week or two, ill have anyone who wants to participate in the vote send me a message to my box, with two names. voting for yourself is fine, and vote for one other person. this way i can keep track of whose voting and prevent any data skew. i will not vote, and the top two candidates, pending their approval and desire, will become board moderators.