Very good and soothing song with Long of instrumental delight. You would be surprised at the music I listen too! I am all over the spectrum, I even Like Country music, I enjoy late 70's to early / mid 80's pop rock but have always had a special place in my heart for the heavy music that I could drive in to oblivion of armageddon in an abrahm tank guns full blazing, appeasing my aggressive side. I swing from the Police Love Sting and his instrumental brilliance and Rush, ( the guitar player and drummer were mind boggling ) Slayer , Megadeth, Faith No More, and Metallica, the only music I cannot stomach is Rap music!! I liked it a bit in the 80's Beastie boyz, Anthrax and rundmc mixes, but the stuff after just annoyed the hell out of me. I really like instrumentals like the Camel tune you put up. Hell you may even catch me tapping my feet to 70;s love songs. keep posting em I listen all the way through. Sometimes I will switch my TV sirius music channel to 50's hits.