74Chall, you're right about the top quarter. The problem with the repop one is they did a horrible job lining up the belt line and the gas tank cutout doesn't even have enough metal to get screw holes into it. The body shop owner and I both decided it would be best to get donor metal from his parts car and put that on, instead of the reproduction quarter tops. (Not to mention they wouldn't do a full coverage up there) When I left there earlier tonight, he was just about ready to sure up the remaining flange on the car and cut down the full quarters I had purchased. Here's how far he got today. The wheel well and trunk extension were just clamped on for now to make sure the lower quarter is going to fit up nicely. Enjoy!
74Chall, I think I'll stick with side markers, but I'm probably going to get something done in the engine bay.
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