I agree with Max -- how much stress do those 6 way seats put on the floorpan? Aside from being 100% stock -- are their other options that could be deployed that work?
The answer is: Plenty
Using 6 way under floor braces prevents a couple things, first is that in an accident the heavier six way mechanism will remain anchored to the floor rather than tear free, second, the constant back and forth action from the added weight can cause stress fractures and cracks in the thin steel floor pan. Would something else work in thier place? Probably, but they are a pretty well thought out piece, they are HEAVY steel and not only bolted to the floor, they also engaged in the rocker area on the ends, they were a stout piece in thier design. I think it would be difficult to make a quick fix part that would offer equal protection, something else may work to some degree but if you want the full benifit you'll probably want the correct factory designed style units.
*Btw, that lame attempt that Goodmark is selling are not even in the ballpark, thinner, wrong shape, and only a small portion of the entire unit shape. I'm surprised a company with thier abilities and money came out with such a cheeseball product, keep in mind I no longer sell the Harms versions, that is my non biased opinion.