Looks like an Edelbrock Performer. That and the carb are decent, reasonable performers in regards to power and mileage. Whether or not they are the ultimate for your combination requires more detailed information on the engine and its internals that you may not have or have not presented. To make good recomnedations we need more info on what you are starting with, budget, goals, etc.
Some casual observations looking at your engine bay; you already have an okay intake and a 4 bbl carb (bbl is the abbreviation for barrel, not carb, btw) and headers. You already have electronic ignition so it is doubtful Pertronix is going to be any better than what you have as the stock mopar ignition is very good. The air cleaner is kind smallish and made of paper. You might want to step up to a 14" diameter and a low restriction element like K&N, Accel or something similar. Your heater is disconnected so if it gets cold outside, your going to be cold inside as well. Your air conditioning is disconnected. Did you know you had factory a/c in the car? You have drum brakes on all four wheels. Since you have a/c, you also should have heavy duty cooling as well.
I'd recommend you get the car in hand and drive it for a while as it may already be very powerful and you don't know it yet. If so, there is no reason to plan upgrades and changes that you may not need. Get some books and do some reading up on things. I'd recommned the factory service manuals for your year first and foremost, then maybe the mopar performance manuals on chassis and big blocks. If you can shake down the seller for more detailed info on changes, upgrades, or rebuild info, especially anything to do with your engine and drivetrain, that will save you some hassle down the road as well as help us make recommendations to you.
BTW, beautiful car. Welcome!