What a scare in the house we had. And I really messed up.
3 days ago I bought my brother a trantula spider for Christmas. It came in a box. No food or water. He loves these things, I think they're creepy and my wife freeks over small spiders let alone one that is 4 inches round. Well.......
I call my brother and tell him I bought anothet trantula for him yesterday and ask him if it will be ok in the box till Christmas mid day. He says they eat about once a week but should have some water on a sponge or something. WELL......
I get the idea of getting out our portable bird cage and some wire ties and putting the spider in it so it wasn't in the dark and give it some water. Everything was going ok. I had the cage door open, carefully opened the box with the spider, and dumped the spider in the cage. Seemed ok so far. And never went to the water. WELL.....
He was ok all day in the bird cage and the bars are 7/16 ths apart from each other. I didn't think he would escape. So I watched him here in my office all day and when it got to evening time, I turn out the lights and go to sleep
Good morning honey...kiss kiss, and I get up and go to my office. THE FREAKING SPIDER IS GONE!!!!! Cage is locked and I am going nuts. My brother had also said the trantulas were escape artists. I said to myself last night---ok Hoodiney get out of this.
He did. I couldnt tell my wife. Dont even want to think about the spin offs there. And This was the first time in our marriage I have ever lied to her and said all was well when she asked. But she could tell I was uptight and I said I had a headache. YEAH RIGHT!.
I couldn't find the spider no where. I was scared if I did find him anyways. So I called my brother and told him PLEASE PLEASE come over and find and catch this creepy thing. 200 miles round trip. We are going over his house for Christmas tomorrow too. He came over, and after an hr. found the spider had gotten by the transformer plug ins for my computer. Right beside my feet. AAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Now the secret got out because I had to tell my wife why my brother was here. And how I had lied to her and why. She said @$#)_$*@)_$(@_)$(@$__$&&%$#$%%#%$#%^@. Then forgave me. And my brother and his family started laughing at me and they left and made the 100 mile drive back to his house and we will be over there tomorrow. He took the spider with him -THANK GOD. And all is calm, all is bright
My headache is gone too
But what a scare