hey goody... question for ya.... it seems as though most people are going with 17' and i know your running 18's.. I originally wanted 20's but after you recommended not doing so without any airbags or other suspension mods i decided against. I have a stock 72 chally....... but i want to put a wide tire on an 18.... what is the max tire size ,backspace, I can use on an 18 setup...I figured since you already have them you know if a bigger tire can go under with doing any mods..... i have been reading on here but alot of posts just say part of tire size or it has the whole thing but doesnt specify whther they did any mods.... since i am new to the game it is better for me to take someones advice rather than play hit and miss with my lil wallet........ thanks alot (ps anyone with comments please reply I addressed it to him cuz he is the only person i know is running 18's)