Thanks. You know what they say, "Every little bit helps."
All that I have to say is
Credit Cards SUCK and I hope to never see another one again in my life (And I hope my wife feels the same way). We recently started taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes at our Church and it has REALLY opened my eye to how wrong we've been doing it. So much so that my "dream house" complete with my "dream shop" is now officially on the market.
This car will be for sale by the weekend and then I am going to start on my 70 R/T Challenger to further pay off everything. Hopefully, our house will sell fairly quickly and that will give us a ton of breathing room. The best part is our house just hit the MLS today and already we had some one want to see it tonight. Hopefully, we've priced it right and it will sell soon. I've already found a shop I can rent (although I hate that word too) that will still save us over a grand a month versus this house payment & utilities because believe it or not there are still houses in this area that are VERY affordable. Basically you can get a decent 3 or 4 bedroom house for about 1/3 of what it cost for a similar house in South Florida (where we moved from).
Oh wel, sorry for the RANT but I guess it is my thread so I am allowed