Just checkin in. I ordered the girdle so it should be here soon then I can get started on the bottom end, and paint the block before assembly. I also ordered a con rod bolt stretch gauge. wow, 169.00 for the gauge! :biggrin:I was going to order a cheaper version than ARP's billet version but the incrememnts are only for .001,( one, thousandths), the ARP one is good for .0001,( one,ten thousandths). The ARP site and e-mail to them recommends .0075 on the specific alloy which is ARP 2000 installed in my rods. They also recommend if the fastener is .001 over or under the recommended pre-load to discard the fastener so I went with the more accurate gauge which is capable of measuring the correct pre-load on the fastener, while I would have to guess at the other dial indicator's reading for the extra .0005.