Well, It's not so much a restoration in the traditional sense, but rather a "freshining up". Cars always photograph good. The paint on the car is almost 20 years old and has cracks and scrtatches (but dont we all) The undercarrage has some work to do as far as getting at the rust that has built up over the years. The car is almost 40 years old, and I have some ideas as to what I'd like to do in order to ensure it makes it another 40 years.
BTW...Anoka, MN has a River Run from May 17 to Sept 13. Folks drive their classics and park them down by the river. there is a band, food and such.
Here's a link
http://www.ci.anoka.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B07CF9817-D860-4ED2-99AE-ED712F1458F3%7D (guess you'll have to cun-n-paste into google. Cant figure out why the link didn't take...)
If you are in the area...stop by...