Hey all. 7 days at work - still gainfully employed.
I had a few minutes of down time today, so I started organizing my spreadsheet and a "procedures" chart for myself to keep this all organized.
For those who haven't read up on this yet, I am going to be putting together a list of the members who are attending Carlisle. On this list I will be collecting your member name, first (real) name, car, cell number while at the show, and a list of parts you are trying to find while visiting the event. This list will then be dispersed to all attending members. The idea is that, as people are browsing around the hundreds upon hundreds of vendors, they can contact fellow members if they find a part that the member is looking for. It'll really help locating those "hard to find" pieces.
I have been trying to figure out how I was going to collect data from our members for the parts they want to find. I knew PM'ing wouldn't work as size is limited, and emails can get easily lost or just simply overwhelming.
My thought now is this: To keep the lists organized, I was wondering if I could create one thread and have it be made "sticky" by the moderators. This thread would ONLY be so that members could list their first name, car, contact, and parts. I would then designate date ranges in correspondence with alphabetized member names. What this means is that - when the thread is opened, I'll start collecting parts list from all members whose member name begins with a 0 through 4. Next week would be 5 through 9. Then alphabet, starting A through G, etcetera. This way it'll keep me from getting overwhelmed, and I can basically visit the board on the weekend, pull the data down, and be ready to start for the next week. I would then open up the last week for members who did not submit, or want to add additional parts.
I don't mean for this all to sound confusing, but on the same token I don't want this to become too much of a headache to keep neat.
I am currently planning on beginning the list collection on Monday, April 21st. I will collect for 6 weeks (two ranges for numbers, 4 ranges for letters) and then the final week for stragglers/extras. Then when everyone shows up to Carlisle, they will get a neatly bound pamphlet of parts lists for members.
Lastly, I would like to try keeping the list of wanted parts to about 6 per member. I don't want to have to print and hand out booklets! The goal is to use the list for obscure parts - oh like A/C ducting or rare emblems.
So start thinking about what you want to find. And if a moderator could contact me privately as to whether I can make a sticky thread, or offer other suggestions, I would appreciate it.
Look forward to seeing you all soon. Can you believe it's April already??