Home from work for a bit windows open and I can hear a car running...I can hear an engine and not just any engine...so I go to the window...look left...look right...can't see anything but I can hear it...then silence Where did it come from?? I can't see a thing!!
Later go to the grocery store and when I come home I see this sitting across the street
Out on another errand...and a flat bed truck passes and turns up the street...I think I spot something on it but can't be sure...I follow lool...
The trucker just arrived from Colorado...meet the excited new owner who turns out to be the same owner of the car across the street...
I ask him about the "noise" I heard early in the evening...he says "You heard the car start up? Holy you must have radar!! I had started up a car sure...across the street from you...in the back alley...in a garage...with the doors closed !!"
First car will be a track car...second car...no racing...just driving he told me
Little dusty but it was a beauty nice white leather interior...
Couple people were out there with a small video camera...I got these videos from them of the car being unloaded (she talks too much HA)
My neighborhood is becoming cool