I think there are many different ways of looking at our current conditions and what threatens us.
I while ago i asked a question an not one person replied with an answer.
I ask again How does one hold Bush liable for his actions and not be considered a traitor to the US military? No answer. I asked this because my interpretation of this war was a way of funneling what is now 760 billion dollars from the taxpayers and the resources that this money should rightfully be funding and directing it toward the war contractors cronies Bush is in bed with. The soldiers can't even get decent vests to protect themselves? Or am i mistaken on the bullet proof vest drives i have seen?
Here are a few other questions since this has become a political thread:
Our government has managed to Weaken this country NAFTA, Try owning a manufacturing company and competing with worker's compensation rates of 50 cents and hour.
Our government has managed to by way of lobbyists to allow our US fuel companies to sell our so called National Security fuel stocks to China! Yes China. As we speak tankers are taking Alaskan fuel that our government is allowing to be shipped to China. For a profit. As if the gouging has not been enough. What should be happening is allowing the fuel into OUR market share to reduce the demand. Imagine that . Quenching a demand. Fuel company lobbyists would have heart attacks.
Our American companies founded on American resources are now outsourcing our technologies to India. The a company like HP complains losses to its government looking for reprieve because its Indian workers up and left them for better jobs offered by a competitor.
Fuel companies that are now cutting back on there refineries, make no improvement towards alternate fuel solutions or distributions. Forever increasing out dependence on foreign oil.
Enron, Anderson, Bear Stern, etc. etc.
My point of some of these examples, of which there are a lot more, just don't want to go on and on is that what made this country strong and independent are the very things that Corporations and our Government have systematically destroyed.
Our economy has been in essence sold to China on manufacturing, Saudi Arabia for fuel, Japan Taiwan and India for technology development and support. You think a bunch of idiot Muslims could stand a chance if this country's foundation were intact? Not a chance.
Internal greed and profit is the real terrorist. They just put a Muslim mask on it and called it the enemy. Please don't make a mistake and think that i don't think Muslims are a threat. I lived and worked in NY. I've been there. Seen the pit. Experienced the bomb threat evacs when your 4 stories under ground. I just believe if we could regain this country back to what it was a few decades ago, there is nothing that could stand up to this county
The greatest failure of this war is the internal failure of this country. And not for one second do I blame the working class. The poor slobs caught in the middle. Between the corrupt business and corrupt government our military is left defending a country with bigger issues than the front line.
If i have offended our military in any way please explain to me how. God Bless them for carrying out the sacrifice they are commissioned with.
My issue is not with them, but with their Boss and his cronies.