Wish we new what converter and gear he has. With a stall speed converter. He should flash right up there, the timing advance would be wide open, and the engine would sing. So If he is set at 35 degrees or so full advance then the distributor is just sending juice to the plugs like it's suposed to. You may have a bad coverter or not enough gear. My distributor is locked full advance after 2k, I use a timing retard to back it off 4 degress on the top end. This way I can start the engine, then it's advanced to full, then when I am in 3rd I have a dial for the retard setting. It helps mph.
But just an engine doesnt make a race car. Your 60 ft tells me you got something else wrong. I am positive a converter will cause 60 ft issues if it isnt right. Some converters cost over a grand and some are 295. An example would be run your car with a stock vert, then install and vert made for your car through a dyno sheet,gear, and weight chart. Could be more then a second off your times. Pull the trans and vert out of your other car and try it in this car, running the same gear as both cars. See what you get.
If you got spark going to the plugs and the advance is set to full, then at some degree the engine is done advancing and the car should be running at peak. Curving the distributor in the advance is more for street use. When racing, set it full advanced and locked, then mash the pedal and go for the win light. It's got to idle, and it's got to run wide open full advance. Anything after that is behind the engine or weight.