I just found out that next monday, I will be working in St Louis For a week, like the 16 to 21 of june, then I am driving over to Penn and working 22 to 29th. Not sure after that, but wondering about the dates vs events. I am sure members are in that area. I may could be used as a pack mule for toting parts for people , but I am limited on staying on my routes within reason. When I get to my job, I get free fuel for site seeing, so anything is possible. I may be working on the east side of the country for a while and some of the north since it is warmer weather.
I looked on the events post for shows, and didn't see any dates. I figure some of you people might want to see a face behind my name and actually see how I am in person. Don't expect much though, just a regular hard working type of guy, that you see smiling more then mad . I asked for some east side traveling so as to meet some of you guys. I really do hate the traffic, tolls, speed limits, and agressive drivers I run accross. You guys do things rather fast over there for me. But we will see. I also hate D.O.T. scales. I have run them in my dually and trailer for 12 yrs now.