It is 10:00 pm central time on Sunday and we just got home, the truck made it both ways with no problems, Rare T/A, Shelby dog, pistol gripper (thanls for the book) it was great meeting you guys. we are trying to stay closer to Heath next year, my gosh I can't even explain how cool Sat. night was, super soakers from the crowd and burning rubber from Mopars. We were cruizen with everyone and a motor cycle cop was right in front of us in the left lane, there was a 69 charger beside us and the crowd told him to light them up, the guy points ahead to the motor cycle cop and the crowd saya he doesn't care, then they ask the motor cycle cop if he cares and he just says no and shakes his head, never , ever seen anything like it, reminded me of american graffiti.
Did have several rustangs out there wanting some attention during the cruise.
Great time!