I watched the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, last night on Wolf Blitzer. She was all about drilling in the lower 48. Seems the Dems. are all about it.
They just don't want the oceans drilled or Natl. Parks drilled until we cant find it anywhere else.
I agree. Why take the time to do all that when we have oil under our feet in the lower 48 and in Alaska outside of ANWR.
Why build time consuming ocean riggs and go trpsing around a Natl. Park when we could pop the cork on what we have in TX, OK, CA, KS, ND, SD, AK.
Here's another thing. We need another refinery! That would bring costs down too.
Since O'bama is in bed with moveon.org and Gore's bunch, I think he's the wrong man for the job when it comes to this nation's energy quagmire.
The Dem's in the House seem like they're on the right track as far as the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less deal. I think that is a non-partisan petition group but I think the Dem's are actually listening to their constituents, who are all for drilling at home.
I just don't see how you can go wrong with drilling at home. Create jobs. Quit giving so much money to terrorist states. ......
"Before anyone blames Bush for this problem, remember back to his first speech as President when he called for more domestic production. "
BTW, Bush would say anything at that point in time. Did he follow through on it? NO!
I'm not a Bush hater at all. There are some things I don't like about him. The biggest thing is the loyalty thing. He stuck with Rumsfield and it cost us BIG. And it does'nt take a genius to figure out he is bed fellows with King Abdullah of Saudi. IIRC, he would bring him home to Houston or wherever in college. Yes they went to the same school.
It is time to cut the ties with Kuwait and Saudi. It has been the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.