I called my wife today, who is at my parents house for a couple days in Oklahoma, and she had some startling news.
My Dad is a freight driver for Yellow Freight. He was in Kansas City stopping for the night at the terminal. So he finished his log books at the Yellow terminal and the courtesy driver picked him up to take him to the hotel, leaving his truck there for the night.
My Dad has ridden with this same courtesy driver plenty of times to know that he is a calm courteus driver. This time he noticed this guy was driving really fast and irratically. All of a sudden My Dad thought the guy had fell asleep at the wheel because it looked like he was snoozing.
At this time he was trying to yell at this guy to wake up and noticed the rear of an SUV coming up quickly and he braced for impact. The courtesy driver slammed into the back of the suv at 70 mph or better. The airbags didn't deploy in the Toyota minivan they were in and Dad hit his head on the dash and was knocked unconscience.
Minutes later the guy woke my Dad up right as the ambulance was arriving. He had a massive heart attack and died right then. My Dad has some whiplash and a banged up forehead.
I suspect that the guy was having a bunch of mini-heart atacks and couldn't control his speed or was trying to rush to help or something.
Either way, I am sorry this guy died and am very thankful to God for sparing my Dad. I wish he would have pulled over and told my Dad he wasn't feeling good. My Dad could have drove him to a hospital or called for help on his cell. I am kind of ticked that the Toyota airbags didn't deploy.