Thunder Series AVS Carburetor 800 CFM Manual Choke
Item# 350-1812 $396.99 (Fuel fitting included)
Holley 65-4780 800 CFM Manual choke
Item# 510-65-4780 $424.99
Chrome Dual Feed Fuel Line
Item# 510-34-150 $31.99 (Cheapest duel feed fuel line at Jeg's)
1) $60 Cheaper (Jeg's prices)
2) Easier secondary opening adjustment with no additional parts needed
3) Easier metering adjustment with rod changes in a few minutes and jet changes without pouring gas all over the Intake manifold
4) Inpunity to engine backfires and no power valves to blow or select
5) The ability to use one or dual fuel inlets, or a single inlet on either side of the carb
6) Better mileage
7) 12 month complete satisfaction Warrantee from Edelbrock.