Guys, scammers and thieves are anywhere the action is. Even your local news paper could have an add in it that could leed you into a very bad experience.
You really just have to do all your home work as stated in all the back posts. No matter what, you cant keep it all out. Tighter rules in sales is about all we could actually do. Like if you are going to sell, and not a recognized member, then your profile must have the info required for area and contact. You must have a phone number , cell number, maybe work number. People who are actually selling and not scamming will make it very easy to be able to sell a part. The thing is, you need to take a little time, and do all the checking and verifiying you need before sending money. We just really cant start dictating what a new member must do to be here and participate. It is a free site.
Safety and security begins with you. Keep all questions in the site and not emailing. Private messages and page posting helps quite a bit. Just dont buy from a new member if you feel you dont trust them. The ratio good to bad here is actually very good.