Money has to come from somewhere. 648 billion dollars in Iraq alone, without raising taxes.
Now, that money has to come from somewhere right? Oh, wait, thats right, we'll just print some more. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the value of the dollar being at an all time low. Maybe we
should be paying more taxes. Not to say that their isn't waste or that cuts don't
need to be made, but to think that all of a sudden our politicians will just cut the pork and fly right is a bit naive too. The government should have to balance its checkbook too, so someone's going to have to pay up.
McCain lost me when he voted against the new GI bill.We treat our soldiers as second class citizens. The elephants all voted for the war, but not to provide our troops with the equipment they need over there, or the care they need back home. Did the democrats hold up the money to make a point? Yeah, they did. But NO ONE, even the hawks, included the money to pay to equip our troops properly. I'd pay more in taxes to take care of our soldiers, regardless of the fact that I disagreed with the war. And McCain continues to befuddle me with his Iraq policy. If the Iraqi's want us to leave by 2011, maybe we should? Hell, they've got a 79 billion dollar surplus, maybe we could learn a few things.
And it was George Tenet that failed to give the ID so Bill could send a guided missile to our friend Osama back before 911. Last I checked dubya gave him a promotion. We also managed to allow al queda into the one country we knew they weren't in before, Iraq. Saddam, dictator that he was, disliked extremism (go figure), and had terrorists executed (a long with a lot of other folks, but thats a different story). We practically gave up on Afghanistan, an actual, justifiable action with the possibility of direct results to go on a wild WMD goose chase in Iraq. How's that security?
Personally, I'm sick and tired of the fear mongering (vote republican or get blown up? are they kidding?). I'd rather pay up than have the government tapping my phones and looking at my library card. If we sacrifice our freedoms for security, we might as well raise the white flag. I know Obama isn't the solution, but we know what we're doing isn't working. I'm upside down on my house, my district is looking at cut backs (that's firehouses people) and to be honest, I'm doing great compared to most. Something has to change, and the two party system doesn't offer a lot of options.
That's it, I'm going back to the car threads. My blood pressure doesn't need this.