Sorry to hear of your troubles, Bigs. Hope you'll get better, maybe with some physical therpy. The exercises themselves may not help too much but they may be able to do some teaching about proper body mechanics and what not.
Becareful operating machinery as the meds may make you drowsy
and some of the pain meds may make you constipated!
Drink lots of fluids, use Colace (stool softener) (generic-ducosate sodium), you can find this in any pharmacy.
Watch out for the way that you sleep. You know how people say you're taller in the morning? That's true to some degree as when you lie down, it allows your body to stretch out from the compression of you vertebrae from standing all day and it may help prevent any nerve pinching. Do some light neck strtching here and there through the day to aid this. Make sure your neck is well supported when you sleep and not bent in a funny angle, etc...
Surgery-don't do it until you really have to. When/if you do then find the best guy out there and don't be afraid to travel! You health is worth it!
Hope you're doing well.