How bout we look for an alternative fuel other than oil? You would think with all the BILLIONS of dollars the oil companies make, they would use some of it to invest in alternate fuel. Wouldn't it make since to do so? Sooner or later oil WILL run out, then what? This Oil crisis is all political anyways. I can't remember in the last 20 years oil spiking the way it has because of a hurricane. It didn't do this with Katrina and it didn't do it with any of the other hurricanes we've had in the last twenty years. It still boggles my mind how people allow the media to manipulate what is right in front of them. Before this gets political, let me say that i'm very neutral when it comes to politics. I want the person whom i feel will do the best job, doesn't matter if they are republican, democrat or independent. With that said, Bush Sr. leaves the country in debt after the Gulf War and he leaves office. Clinton cleans all that up and leaves office with a SURPLUS!! Bush Jr. will leave office with debts in the billions!! We are in a war that has zero to do with 9/11, like we were led to believe. We were told the oil that would come from the middle east would pay for the war, what a joke that was. I'm not a big support of Obama, but i believe if we get McCain, we will be in for more of the same things we have been through in the last 8 years. Does anyone not see the the rich have just been getting richer and richer, while us middle class have been raked across the coals? There are huge problems in this country and the bottom line is OIL IS EVIL.