Driving my 340 4-speed 1970 Plymouth Barracuda home last week I noticed that my volt meter was pegged on "C".
The wiring on the car is coming up on 40 years old. Dad did put the "orange ignition box" on the car about 20 years ago. I didn't think my battery was bad so I've done some investigation and need some help diagnosing/determining next steps.
When the engine is at idle (800 rpm) the volt meter needle is where it should be...right in the middle between "D" and "C". I put my digital multimeter on the battery posts and it read 11.6V (Shouldn't it be higher?)
At 1500 rpm, the needle is burried on "C" and voltage at the battery is 12.38. At 2000 rpm, the needle is still burried on "C" and the voltage is 12.5. I didn't check alternator output yet cuz by this time, the engine was too hot to be putting my hand anywhere near the alternator, and time was running out.
I cut my high performance teeth on my 1979 351 powered Mercury Capri. If I remember right, voltage at the battery while the car is running was about 15V. I know the 70's vintage Mopar wiring was marginal when new, but I'd like some help diagnosing what to check next.
PS, I've also noticed that my instrument lighting at night is also getting dimmer and dimmer.