True that it could tie again but unlikely. You have some very valid points on a way to determine. Can we get some more input on this.
Either do another poll to decide OR go with member date.
No no no - this is a Calendar, not an election.
We want quality pictures - we just have more quality than we expected! The biggest vote is betwen Stroker and DoNotChallengeHer - both are active on the board and in my opinion, equally worthy of inclusion in the Calendar. One of these two won't be included, and it's a bummer.
The BEST way to be fair is to relist the top THIRTEEN candidates and revote. However, we'll run the risk of people not bothering to vote again and end up with very low turn-out.
What if we run a vote between Stroker and DNCH (sorry - lazy!) - the winner gets into the Calendar, the other gets a free copy! That way there isn't really a "loser."
PS - Or I say this - MyMopar is putting this together to make this happen for all of us - let him be the tie breaker. Just another thought...