Many of you all start out by saying that it is not about race then you go through this long diatribe about liberal this and liberal that and hard earned this and that. I want to know how many of you read his plan? If your opinion was based on sound bites then something is wrong with that. I am personally glad we now get a breath of fresh air in the White House. This could have never been about race in my opinion. Number one, there is not enough black people in these United States that could single handedly elect Mr. Obama. WHITE people believe in this man and eventhough I am a Republican I voted for him because I am tired of how my party ALWAYS attempts to control the argument through fear. I could go on but I won't. I am so tired of this but I am happy today. Lastly, if anyone thinks Ms. Palin is capable of being President you are being intellectually dishonest.
Sorry, you are wrong. This election shows where the true racism is, and that is with 95% of blacks voted for Obama, and 61% whites voted for Obama. If the majority of white Americans were racist, Obama would have never even gotten the dem nomination.
I truly hope I am wrong about my opinion of at least the next 2 years will go. Obama and the dem controlled house and senate will raise taxes on everything to pay for universal everything and it will spark a depression worse than the 1930s. One thing you have to notice is that most repubs are saying right now that they will support Obama. Hopefully that is true and he will work down both sides of the aisle to do the right thing for America. But guess what....if the next 2 or 4 years does not go well.....all you are going to hear is that Bush and the republicans gave them this mess and it is going to take 8 years to fix it.
Less than 1 year ago the Dow was at $14,000, a new record. Like someone said, the dems have had control for 2 years and they have accomplished nothing but blaming Bush and the right for all of our wrongs. The republicans tried 3 times to put more oversight on Fannie and Freddie, but the dems blocked all attempts because they were getting huge donor money from F & F.
This all began with Carter and doubled down with Clinton to provide more housing for people who could not afford it. Yes, Wall Street had greed, but the American public, (not all) had greed in their mind as well since they wanted more house more stuff they could not afford.
Higher taxes and bigger govt have never worked, and they never will. Carter tried it, and he didn't last long. Poor people have always voted democrat and they are still poor. The only thing that will move this country forward is personal responsibility and hard work to succeed.
God Bless America.