I have been disconnecting the positive battery terminal when I park my car since it sits for 2-3 weeks between runs. I never planned to keep this up since it requires removing the hood pins, raising the hood, loosening the battery cable.....but planned to wire up a cutoff switch inside the car. I want to keep it very simple and inexpensive and was thinking of a heavy duty cutoff switch that I could mount on the firewall but place it so that it was resonably easy to get to from inside. I looked at the positive battery cable today and see that it has the large cable going to the starter (and a smaller one to the junction/solenoid) and a medium gauge wire running back to the bulkhead. Keep in mind that I am not too familiar with the wiring, but please give me some tips on what wire would be the most convenient and functional to install a cutoff switch in. ALso, any suggestions on what type of switch would be welcomed as well.