I am home!
Al, you are correct, it is wrong to leave people stranded if they are in danger. However, if I stopped and helped everyone I would have put myself in harms way, As it was, I wrenched my shoulder helping someone get un-stuck. I asked many if they needed assistance and they declined. One lady had been stetting waiting for a tow for six hours and still didn’t want a ride to town.
The snow looks pretty on the mountains and that is where it needs to stay. This weekend will be spent clean my work truck from all the muck from driving in the snow for ten hours.
Greg, Mountain Pass and Caltrans was the reason that I was in this situation, I was there for the blasting, were they closed the road for four hours and then the snow started and never seemed to stop. Many an abandoned car, trucks, and semis are still on the roadways.
Ahh, Home Sweet Home.