Just be prepared. take all your anger and frustration and direct it where it belongs. yes, the uaw got a great deal for the workers , but it is payola. they got what they got because of political support. bottom line is , you guys better get ready to march on washington dc. apparently the government is scared of every group of people except people like us. we get the shaft. do you know why? because they governmwnt knows we are a bunch of chicken s*^ts. we do nothing but talk. and one other thing we do that no other political group or minority does.
we respect the law. we are law abiding. and the government knows it. thats why they f&%k us every time they get the chance. if they thought for one second that we would pull a million musclecar march they wouldnt touch us with a 10 ft. pole. "THEY SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE" and if you dont squeak you will need the grease for what the government will do to us. lay down and take it like a bunch of pus***s. or by God for once in your lives take it to the streets.
why do you think they are already talking about raising the fed tax on gas. thats right , fuel prices get back to a point where we can almost afford it and the first thing the gov does is start talking about raising taxes on it.
yes im pissed, im tired of seeing us kicked around. our mistake is ... we love cars.