A trip to Snootytown!
If you're not "in the clique", you'll generally get ignored. There are still plenty of nice folks there, but they are not always easy to find. The mods should open a Soup Store in NYC.
I love when the mods delete your posts if:
A: They don't like the subject
B: You don't have a price in a for sale ad (Whack with NO warning...how about a curtesy e-mail or PM first, eh?)
C: You are discussing or advertising something that directly competes with a business that has a banner ad there or is a Mofarts "Sponsor"
D: You disagree with them
E: They are in a bad mood and just want to whack a post for fun. In other words, for no logical reason.
I've gotten/given decent advice there, but it's much nicer here, DC.com, 71-74DC.com and FABO. I like the Road Runner Nest, too. My friend Bruce is the co-creator and those guys have a twisted sense of humor! I will not comment on anything regarding A12 people.
Two more for the penny jar!