Gordon, since you're a Veteran yourself, you qualify for many of the jobs on USAJobs.gov. It is a database for every government job out there. For example, a Gunsmith at Warner Robbins FBI Training School or a Biochemist at the NASA facility in Houston are listed, all kinds of jobs.
A good friend of mine, the guy whose shop I work on my car at, is a Vietnam era Seabee that I met through work. He was a civil service guy that ran the Construction Equipment Division, basically a big shop that does depot level maintenance. US military mechs would do maintenance and repairs but if it needed a complete overhaul or restoration, something that required skill outside of ours or time that we couldn't give the piece, it wold go to his shop. He retired at a GS position equal in pay to an O-6. I'm just sayin' here, Gordo.
Get on there and look for a job that intrests you and submit your app. Since you already have the manufacturer side of the vehicle down I am sure a depot maintenance facility in Ft. Leonardwood, Hood, Rilley, Shelby, or somewhere needs a Gordon on thier team.
Good luck Bro.