"I guess there is some question as to how a "Well regulated Militia" and someone with a bunch of weapons and an attitude are in any way related. Is not a Militia an organized voluntary military force, (based on the British Militia and dating back to the Colonial times), which is made up of ordinary citizens who provide defense, law enforcement, and domestic military service in the event of collapse of civil order or some other military threat?
I just don't see the connection between the Second Amendment and the gun owners "Right to Bear Arms" argument. That is not what the Second Amendment intended! It referred to an organized military force...there is nothing remotely organized or military about gun ownership in the States!!!!"
am i reading this wrong or did you contadict yourself? the best example i've seen, to demonstrate the 2nd amendment,is in the movie"the patriot".if god forbid we are ever invaded(and you never really know)who do you think would back up the military,if and when they might need it?call me crazy but we have 2 long borders and a lott of coastline to defend,and a lot of miltary out of the country.let your mind go and think about it.