Well you've got talent kid. Keep us posted on your project.
Thanks A lot man. It has taken me who knows how many hours to build taht model. It took me 8 weeks getting 5 45 minute class periods a week. So about 30 hours. the next few pics are of the model, then i will post pics of the actual car.
1. at first it started out being a 4 wheeled vehicle
2. then i added the solar panel
3. then we decided to make it 3 wheeled so i converted it to a 3 wheeled vehicle and added the motor
4.then i added a speaker box with subs just for fun, gotta have music
5.then the battery and wiring
6.then a custom speed switch, thought it was kinda funny
7. and finally i widened the body, to accomodate the name of the company that donated some stuff to us and to add our high schools name. i also added the power inverter and other misc. things. also changed the color to black and orange (my friend wanted to see what a Harley Davidson edition would look like