to my knowledge no , the retainer plates are obsoleted
Yup, thats what I thought. I don't think I'll be able to get at the actual bearing without messing up either the retainer or the end of the axle housing. The Marvel Mystery oil seems to have loosened the actual bearing though, seems like whatever isn't rotating is in the 3rd member, I can rotate both the axles just a little bit now. Maybe only 1/8-1/4", but they move and hit something in the diff. I still can't pound them out though.
How well do the inner seals work? I mean, if I filled the housing with oil would it get through? I know its not supposed to be "full" of oil, the inner seals are only meant to stop a little oil right? Or maybe I should just go buy up a few gallons of PB blaster and fill it with that? Not cheap, but if it'll work...