OK, here is the story. Talked to my local dealer several months ago about ordering an R/T. We didn't reach an agreement so I told them I would wait until the B5's started arriving. I also knew a couple of other area dealers that had several ordered and unspoken for. They said they would call me when an R/T came in. So, they call last week to see if I was still interested and I tell them yes I would like to see it when it comes in. Called this morning and said it had arrived and I had first choice. I finish up some work and get there several hours later, not really caring if I were first or not because I had pretty much talked myself out of getting one. For some reason I was not real crazy about the B5 classic R/T's in the pics I had been seeing. Now to the point, I saw this one from a distance as they were bringing it up front and............Holy cow that thing looked good! I knew I was in trouble then, checked it out for a while, went to lunch and talked it over with my wife. This ended up being the only B5 blue they are getting, all the others were canceled by Chrysler (at least that is what they told me). I then took it for a test drive, came back and they discounted it $800 (I know, not much but better than nothing I guess) and offered a new appliance of our choice from the Lowe's across the street and the rest as they say, is history. Never planned on getting an SRT, but a few things have helped my finances recently and allowed me to swing this deal.