Ok here's my
. WE forget that this country had a surplus in cash in '00. Eight years later we are in major debt. How did we get in this trouble. How did we get here?
1) We are in a war that we should not be in. For those of us that are old enough, remember that the Soviet Union was in Afgan for 10 years in a war. It cost them dearly. The cost of the war is only 15% of the debt
2) Seven years ago there was a tax cut that was to last a few years but was extended in 2005. We all know that if we don't have funds coming in, then we end up in debt. The tax cut is roughly 35% of the debt.
3) In 2008 we had the great melt down. Remember TARP This has cost us dearly. I feel that they should have let the banks go down but it would have been real bad for us. During the late 90's banks were allowed to merge and become to big. Congress passed the laws to allow this mistake. TARP is about 10% of debt. We have made some money on the TARP deal.
4) Our heath care system is costing us 30% of the debt. Now think about how many people you know that abuse their bodies due to drinking, smoking and over eating. Just go into the emerg room and you will find people there that don't need to be there.
5) Last we have the stimulus bills ( one in 2003 and one in 2007 and one in 2009) and loans to the auto industry. As a fiscal conservative I don't believe in spending money wastefully. In this case were going to loose our manufacturing. This country grew on manufacturing. Remember the industrial revolution. As for the stimulus bills, two were given to tax payers. The other was used for infastruture which has not been fully spent.