Well, I wrote a long, boring exit diatribe a couple hours ago and apparently lost my connection when I hit "post". Just my luck, or maybe it's just another sign that I was exercising very poor judgement when I started this thread. I'll try it again. (The audience hisses and boo's........) I hope the pilgrims are hungry, because I give up and will move on, this fat chicken has had enough. I'd rather talk about cars anyway.
I could have easily NOT typed it originally, but y'all could have ignored it just as easily, so check the mirror before the finger-pointing starts.
I think most missed that I don't think that political banner ads belong on a "car talk" forum. Left, right, commie or conservative, this isn't the place for them. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE RANT for those who weren't paying attention. I don't own this domain or pay the bills here, so I guess I'll just grin and bear it and ignore the bottom 2" of the page.
I'm still not sure exactly what I did to heebee. I will not debase myself by continuing the personal attack on him or his grammar and punctuation. I've never met the man and will continue to respect his right to his opinion as I would anyone else's. Obviously, mine is substandard and needs "backup" to be valid. Whatever. Might want to adjust that "I will try and be nice amen" signature, though. Or try harder.
Some of my best friends are "right wing wackos", but we agree to disagree, move on and talk about cars, boats, work, etc. We call this radical concept mutual respect. Opinions and assholes? Yeah, I was wondering when that tired cliche' would rear its ugly head. I've got plenty and resemble that remark.
As far as Nancy Pelosi and her simpering sidekick Harry Reid...Yep, they're worthless, but I'm not sure what that had to do with the original subject. I'd go so far as to say they're both an embarassment to the whole country.
I'd bet my next paycheck that Sarah Palin (spelled it right for once) is doing what she's doing for her own personal gain, financially and politically. No different than any other elected official. We'll see a book, a website or six and probably an hour a day on Fox News.
I like Moparal's point of view. I'd vote for him too, if I don't get shot by then.
Wow, we're onto JFK, Nixon and 'Nam now.
To anyone that I may have offended.......I'll see if we can get you a membership card.
That is all.